

  • Supernatural atheism

    Supernatural atheism

    Why not consider the supernatural God of the Bible as a source for everything we know?

  • The ethical bankruptcy of ‘moral equivalency’

    The ethical bankruptcy of ‘moral equivalency’

    Those who claim a “moral equivalency” between the Hamas terrorists and the Israeli government betray either a lack of integrity or a seriously demagnetized moral compass.

  • The intensifying tsunami of spiritual revival

    The intensifying tsunami of spiritual revival

    As a young secular journalist in the 1960s I witnessed and wrote about the impact of charismatic renewal upon the Catholic Church. It was transformative in many ways, opening the Church to a renewal of faith and commitment.

  • The angry Christian man

    The angry Christian man

    Chances are, if you’re reading this right now and you’re a man, you’re angry.

  • Reform movements and false comparisons: Southern Baptist case study

    Reform movements and false comparisons: Southern Baptist case study

    The bigger question I was asked (and I get some version of this question with some regularity) was: “There are still problems in the Convention, and many things are not the way I envisioned they would be when I was ‘fighting the good fight’ for the Bible’s inerrancy. Was it worth it? Did it do any good?”

  • Bad news for God

    Bad news for God

    Over the summer we’ve had some new polls come out on the existence of God and other spiritual matters. And as we all know, whatever a poll says is something you can take to the bank.

  • Why does God allow suffering?

    Why does God allow suffering?

    Some questions don’t have good answers, but Jesus changes everything.

  • Why the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a powerful tool (part 2)

    Why the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a powerful tool (part 2)

    Many Islamic countries have had difficulty with the principle of changing one’s religion, but almost every Islamic country has signed the Universal Declaration, thus pledging themselves to this principle of freedom of conscience and religious expression.

  • Knowing vs. showing your Christian faith

    Knowing vs. showing your Christian faith

    “Why are you a Christian?” So, in 25 words or less, how would you answer that question? Seriously, think about it for a minute or two.

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 75th anniversary (part 1)

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 75th anniversary (part 1)

    The UDHR articulates in its 30 articles every human being’s basic, fundamental rights and freedoms and affirms those rights as universal and unalienable. The UDHR directly led to the development of the concept of international human rights law.